Tuesday 20 June 2017

En passant par la Lorraine...

We are not up to date, sorry.
Here are some photos of the end of May in France when we were back at the market gardener (from March). It was nice to see how everything has been growing while we were away!

We had also an "important" meeting with a guy at the chamber of agriculture, more about that perhaps in a later post; but it comes down to diving into the French bureaucracy paperwork nightmare. WE CAN'T WAIT.
Now, for something much better: pictures!


First courgettes flowers youpiiiii

I plant, you plant, we plant...

Rope for the tomatoes to grow up tall and strong!

Harvesting carrots

From field to plate!

AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne) people come every week to peak a basket full of the vegetables harvested the day itself or the day before, can't beat the freshness!

Bio et Local c'est l'idéal!

We also visited a bit Meuse (one of the four departments of the region Lorraine) because we would like to get ourself a little pice of land over there to start the project! :)

Mémorial américain de la butte du Montsec

To be continued...